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Dear Clerks \ Captains \ Fellow Liverymen,


We are delighted that the 2025 competition will take place at the West London Shooting School on Wednesday 14th & Thursday 15th May.


Last years event went very well – excellent shooting with lunch upgraded to the roast hog and that will remain the case for next year.


The 2025 event will see Mark and Billy challanged to change the stands to reflect a new course that’s fun for all abilities to shoot. But this event does require some previous shooting and gun safety experience.


A 9.00am shooting start ensures all teams are in for lunch by circa 1.45pm. Daily Prizes are at 2.30pm


Main Prizes \ Cups will continue to be forwarded to the Livery Company’s after the event and the monies won sent to the Charities of the winners choice.


But to make the day rather more fun for those actually there, we have increased the number of “on the day” prizes with some fun idea’s for those further down the results page.

The Top \ Bottom Flush Teams each day will continue to receive Magnums \ Bottles of Champagne.


NEW for 2025 – The Ladies Team Prize.


We are very keen to see all ladies teams come to this event and will create a new prize for the Top Ladies Team and depending on the number of teams entered extra prizes could be created. Please encourage your Lady Liverymen \ Freemen to enter.


ALSO NEW for 2025 – Single Guns to make a Mixed Livery Company Team.


We have over the past few year been asked by Liverman \ Freeman who’s Company don’t have sufficent interest to make up a team but would like to shoot.

We will try the option to make up a mixed team so they can participate.

The Application Form will have a new section to reflect this.



Costs for 2025


Last year saw a slight drop in numbers attending and that has a direct consquence on the cost per gun. We run the event on a maximum of 120 teams (480 guns) over the two days. The closer we get to that number helps both the cost per gun going forwards and the amount we are able to distribute to charitable causes.


As we have said in the past the ethos of his event is for Liveryman and Freeman to get together in a shooting environment and have the opportunity to meet other and enjoy the day. We are not pricing this event to raise large sums of money, but prefer to keep it as cost effective as possible so as many who would like to come are able to do so.


The cost per team for 2025 is £1040.00.




The Draw was done on 28th Oct by Sir William Worsley who is the 2nd Upper Warden at the Merchant Taylors Company.


The list who shoots on which day is now on our web page -


The Application Form is now open for use on the Web page – this is the only way to enter.


It is very helpful if Clerks \ Captains can complete the entry form sooner rather than later – payments we appreciate often follow nearer the time.


Please email us with any questions and we will update this Newsletter in the New Year.


Chris & Richard


Richard Ferrand | Chris Parr



Richard 07908 969 333



Chris 07708 307 935

The West London Shooting School 
Sharvel Lane 
West End Road 

UB5 6RA  

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